Fabulous, Amazing, Intelligent, Thoughtful & Humble
Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. Matthew 9:29
Ramaya Faith Pittman is a 9th grade scholar pursuing a quality education and leadership growth at an independent college preparatory school. She strives to excel academically and is involved in numerous clubs and activities within her school, church and community. Ramaya has been on swim and cheer teams, was a member of Chorus and loves to dance.
Ramaya has a talent of reciting scriptures which was discovered by her grandmother 'Pommie' at the tender age of 3 years old. She enjoys ministering to others at local churches sharing her God-given gifts of praise dance and scripture recitation. She has been able to travel to several states and has been featured on a local praise radio station (KBCN Radio Network Broadcast –thepraisehouse.com). Ramaya also spends her time worshipping with physically and neurologically challenged clients at the Learning Services Inc. rehabilitation center, pastored by her grandfather; and participates/assists with volunteer initiatives such as their church annual shoe box toiletry ministry and other charitable donations.
Please take a minute to visit the videos and accomplishments links to see a small portion of just how God has truly blessed Ramaya over the years. We are extremely grateful for family, friends and leaders who have provided continuous guidance and encouragement, as well as those who have blessed Ramaya with gifts of love. The best is yet to come!
Ramaya Faith Pittman |