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Teresa Ogilvie
Posted on the 2018-05-07 at 20:00
Hello Ramaya, You are such a blessing, inspiration, and role model to your peers and the Body of Christ. Like Psalms 37:4 states, "Delight thyself also in the Lord;and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."  I am so proud of you!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!  LOVE YOU, Sis Ogilvie
Yolonda Derrico
Posted on the 2018-04-25 at 20:00

I am one of your grandmothers co-workers.  She always share your videos with us.  You are such a gifted young lady.   I always enjoy watching your videos. Keep up the good work because God has his hand on you.  I pray that as your life unfolds that you will always keep God first .  May God continue to bless and keep you.
Kaylyn Mangold
Posted on the 2018-04-23 at 20:00
Keep up the Great work!! Mrs. Alba is always speaking on how proud she is of you! You are an inspiration to watch. I pray God continues to keep you and leads you down a path of fulfilment, happiness, and continous ministry! :)

From a complete stranger.
(Alba's Co-worker)
Alba (pommie) Harris
Posted on the 2018-04-22 at 20:00

Great job Ramaya on your scripture yesterday in Knoxville.  Father and  I are so proud of you.  Please continue to read , live, and share God'sWord.  One day you will hear the Lord Himself say. "Well done thy good and faithful servant servant, enter into my Kingdom".  Allow Him to use you to be an inspiration to other young people.  Love you baby. 
Pommie and Father. 

Lois Moss
Posted on the 2018-04-22 at 20:00
Hey Maya, You did great on you scripture!%uD83D%uDC4F%u2764 Nana and papa.
Posted on the 2018-04-22 at 20:00
Hey Maya, I guess I can't use Emojis. congratulations on the scripture, you did it and you delivered it well. You amaze us everyday with your ability to learn lines with such ease and quickness.  Keep up  the good work. We will see you soon.  Love, Nana, Papa, Mia and Danielle   
Tacia-Ramaya\s cousin
Posted on the 2018-04-21 at 20:00
Maya Bug, I am so proud of you. Your accomplishments through ministry and academics have truly been a blessing. Continue to pray and put God first in all that you do and God will direct your path. I count it an honor to call you my cousin and a privilege to be a  witness as you went from a baby to a beautiful young lady. My prayer for you is that God will continue his blessings upon you, give you peace and secure you with his love. Love, Tacia
Posted on the 2018-04-11 at 20:00
hi Ramaya I am one of your friends or classmates from your old school in 34d grade and I just came to say hi%uD83D%uDE01
E\van Frazier
Posted on the 2015-10-10 at 20:00
It was a pleasure meeting you today.May God continue to bless your ministry.I would love to come out to one of your presentations. Please keep me informed and abreast to when your on tour.
Pommie Harris
Posted on the 2015-10-05 at 20:00
Ramaya.  Father and I love you very much.  We are so proud of how you allow the Lord to use you to share His Word.  Keep doing what you are doing and always trust in the Lord.  He has blessed you with so many gifts, please continue to use them for Him. 
Love Pommie and Father
Katie Thompon
Posted on the 2015-10-04 at 20:00
Ramaya, Remaya: You are one remarkable young lady. So many gifts and you are using them! You're carving a special footprint on the world that is going to be remembered, talked about and maybe even written about, by many, for a long time. Keep giving what you've got. Love ya girl. Aunt Katie
Posted on the 2015-08-04 at 20:00
We enjoy watching your pictures at your swim meet. You are awesome! Micaiah loves to swim too!! I especially love the videos with your scripture recitings.You are an instrument to all young people, carrying a message from God!
Gennie Dumas
Posted on the 2015-08-03 at 20:00
Hello Ramaya,

I'm a friend and co-worker of your Grandmother Alba Harris.  She often share your pictures and videos with us.  Every time I'm surprised and continue to be amazed by what you can do. You are very talented.  Your future will be unlimited to you.  Continue to keep God at your side and use him to stay focus.  You are beautiful in your talents and I'm sure your family is very proud of you.
Posted on the 2015-07-29 at 20:00
Keep operating in your ministry. You are touching lives and inspiring many people. Love you, Katie
Norma Hill
Posted on the 2015-04-25 at 20:00
I enjoyed your performance last week in Knoxville. Looking at this website, I am blessed by the videos. May God bless you and your family in your ministry. 
Posted on the 2015-01-06 at 19:00
Hi Ramaya.  Just watching your videos and enjoying them.  Look forward to hearing you on Saturday 01/17/2015.  Father and I love you very much.  
Taniyah Colbert
Posted on the 2014-12-29 at 19:00
Calicia Monet Hindsman
Posted on the 2014-12-28 at 19:00
Dear Ramaya, Good job that's why you are my best friend and you are like my sister hope you win every compettion so I just want to say good job  Love, calicia Monet Hindsman love yah
Auntie Earah
Posted on the 2014-03-21 at 20:00
Hey Maya,
I know I haven't stopped by here in a LOOONNNGGGG TIIMME but I'm back. Took a little break from some Children's Church work I'm doing and you came to mind again. You are such a wonderful girl and above all, a child of God. Keep doing well in everything you do, and hopefully one day soon we'll have you back over to our new house! And, I'm still waiting on you all to tell me when your cousins and I can come to one of your swim meets. I miss you so I hope I get to see you soon. Love you, Auntie Earah
Pastor Vera
Posted on the 2013-11-23 at 19:00
Hi Ramaya,   I hope you are having an outstanding morning.   I stopped by to see your praise dance video but it said that it w is private.   I will keep checking on it as I really want to see what God is doing in your life.  Remember, the Kingdom Girl loves you and guess what you are definitely a Kingdom Girl in training !!!    I will be back on your website to schedule you for  our for 2014  events.   Have a Grrrreeeeaaaat Day!   hugs and kisees   me loves some you   Pastor Vee
Teresa Ogilvie
Posted on the 2013-11-22 at 19:00
Ramaya, I really enjoyed your praise dance. You did great!!! That is one of my favorite songs. I was truly blessed. Keep using your gifts for the Lord. God Bless You, Sis Teresa Ogilvie.
Posted on the 2013-11-22 at 19:00
You've got it going on, Ramaya! Good job.
alba Harris
Posted on the 2013-11-22 at 19:00
Great job Ramaya on your dance.  It is so touching.  Father and I are very proud of you and thankful that you are our granddaughter.  Please stay with God, and He will direct your path.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Love you.
Father and Pommie
Alba Harris
Posted on the 2013-03-31 at 20:00
Ramaya, great job in the swimming events.  Father and I are very proud of you.  May God continue to use the gifts that He gave you, and may you continue to share His word with others.  Keep God you your life and let Him use you.
Love you,
Pommie and Father Harris
Vera YoungRama
Posted on the 2013-03-02 at 19:00
All I can say is.....My My My.   What an awesome little girl you are.  Ramaya you are truly an anointed child straight from the Kingdom.  I am so proud to say that you are the   the epitome of a Kingdomg Girl InTraining.   Pastor Vera loves you sooooo much and I am so proud of you.  And please know that if you need anything, Pastor V is just a phone call away!  Love you much and hope to see you soon!
Kingdom Girls Rock,
Pastor V
Alba Harris
Posted on the 2013-02-19 at 19:00
Ramaya, Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Father and I were at the concert, and you allowed God to use you.  We are so proud of you and as your Aunt Katie has already stated, Stay with the Lord.  You made us happy, you made Bishop Blowe happy, but most of all you made God happy.  You may be a child, but you are the vessel that God chooses to share His word with others.  We love you.  Keep up the good work.
Pommie and Father
Aunt Katie
Posted on the 2013-02-18 at 19:00
February 19, 2003
All thanks, glory and honor to God for using you in a mighty way to bring His word to so many, as you so powerfully and with such conviction, quote, scriptures. I can see and hear in you the fact that He is going to take you to very high places. Always stay with God. When you see others doing things they should not do, listen to the voice of God and do not join them. He will give you victory over any thing that comes against you and you will have peace.
Some of the good you are doing is because of that special chicken I served you in Detroit. Ha,ha, ha.
Posted on the 2012-09-24 at 20:00
Ramaya, Father and I are so proud of you.  God is really using you, and the great thing about it is, you love for God to use you.  I watched all of your videos where you prayed, and quoted scriptures.  I have really enjoyed watching you grow up.  Continue to allow God to use you and you will see that He will take you places that you never even dreamed of going.  We love you.  And your Uncle D did very well too. 
Pommie and Father Harris
Auntie Earah
Posted on the 2012-09-23 at 20:00
Hi Ramaya, so so proud of you. You really made me laugh yesterday when you said "Wait for it...!" That was so cute and you said the scriptures so well. Keep being the special girl God has made you to be. You are wonderful and I love you. We\'ll have to have you over soon- maybe during the Christmas holidays. Love you and talk to you later, Auntie Earah
Posted on the 2012-06-25 at 20:00
Ramaya, we are so proud of you. Continue to share God\'s word. Your name has been proudly changed from Maya Bug to Rev. Sis. Bishop Ramaya Faith Pittman. We love you.
Teresa Milline
Posted on the 2012-05-28 at 20:00
Ramaya, I work with your grandmother (Mrs. Alba Harris) we enjoying sharing grandkids news with each other.  I just reviewed your website and have been truly impressed with all you have accomplished in such a short period of time...keep up the good work.  You are very talented and an inspiration to many. Enjoy!
Posted on the 2012-05-07 at 20:00
Ramaya, I have really enjoyed watching all of the events that you have quoted scriptures and said prayers, or speeches. You are truly gifted and blessed of the Lord.  May you continue to allow God to use you, and your grandfather and I really love you.  We hope that God will bless us to live to see what you do in life.  May God continue to bless you.
Pommie and Father (Harris)
Ms Quetta
Posted on the 2011-07-05 at 20:00
HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY, MAYA.  I hope you had an awesome day.  May God Bless you with many more years.

Love you,

Ms. Quetta
Auntie Earah
Posted on the 2011-06-29 at 20:00
Hi my Niece,
We all enjoyed your party and you being with us over the weekend. I saw your pictures. My favorites of you are pictures 67 and 68. Don\'t get too grown on Auntie yet! :) You almost look like an adult in those pictures but you\'re still a beautiful flower to me  But I love you and thank you for your thank you card, too. Your handwriting is impeccable! Love you! Aunt KT and Uncle Reggie- keep up the good work! Lord help us when out daughters become teenagers! Love you too!
Posted on the 2011-06-15 at 20:00

How has your summer been? We have certainly enjoyed looking at your pictures and accomplishments this year. We are hoping to see you at the Harris House annual picnic! Take care!

Posted on the 2011-05-07 at 20:00

When alll of the members were at the church in Tenessee you were up on the stage I loved it when you said the bible verse you were so cute saying it

Jessica Bowen
Posted on the 2011-04-25 at 20:00
Ramaya, I work with your Grandmother and have heard (AND SEEN) so many great things about you. You are a talented and intelligent young lady. I love the way that you are always are truly an inspiration. Keep up the GREAT work!!! :-)
Posted on the 2011-04-12 at 20:00
Ramaya I really enjoyed you on the Minister\'s Wives service.  You are truly a blessing from God.  May God continue to allow us to learn more scriptures together.  And that one day, you will know exactly what you are learning and apply it to your life so that you may live a blessed life.  I love you very much.  Thanks for helping me with the services.
Pommie Harris
Posted on the 2011-04-01 at 20:00
Great job Ramaya.  Look forward to this weekend so that we can do our scripture together.  Keep up the good work.  May God continue to bless you. 
Teresa Ogilive
Posted on the 2011-03-28 at 20:00
Ramaya, your speech was great! You are such a blessing! God Bless You! 
Posted on the 2011-03-27 at 20:00

You were outstanding, in your portrayal and speech of Ruby Bridges!  Micaiah loved it,  and says she can\'t wait to see you again at Harris House.

Posted on the 2011-03-24 at 20:00
Good job Ramaya!
Linda Bradford
Posted on the 2010-11-11 at 19:00
Ramaya, I can\'t wait to meet you.  Your dad talks about you all the time.  I get to see your beautiful pictures on his phone.  I hear about the fun the two of you have just watching movies & how much you love to eat popcorn.  Guess what, I love popcorn too.  Your are blessed to have a dad who loves you so much & have so much fun doing fun things with you.  You go girl!!!!!  Ms. Linda (I work with you dad).
Posted on the 2010-10-13 at 20:00
Hi Maya,this note is from Father,I love you and I am very proud of you.  God Bless you and keep up the good work.    LOVE FATHER
Auntie Earah
Posted on the 2010-10-10 at 20:00
Hey Sweetie! Your website is lookin\' good and so are you. Your cousins D\'Laya and Talisa are also in the "Book It" program- maybe you and Lisa can swap books. So far she likes reading the "No, David!" books. He\'s funny but needs to be good. Maybe you can read one of those books some time. Can\'t wait to see you on Saturday- Love you!!!!
Posted on the 2010-10-07 at 20:00
Good stuff Ramaya. Keep it going.
Terri and Micaiah Cunningham
Posted on the 2010-10-07 at 20:00

We were so excited to see you excel through the many special moments of your life. Micaiah is loving reading each event, and taking time to do something with her e-mail.

Posted on the 2010-10-06 at 20:00
Ramaya, I\'m so proud of all the wonderful things you are doing. Keep being the sweet little girl that you are. I love you! 
Keturah (Mommy)
Posted on the 2010-10-05 at 20:00
Hey Ramaya, 
I hope you enjoyed having all of your family and friends at your 3rd birthday party! We love you and look foward to another great year.
Posted on the 2010-06-02 at 20:00
Congratulations on your pre-k graduation.  Keep up the good work.  We will always be there for you, as long as we live.  Love you and may God continue to be with you.  Love you
Pommie and Father
Posted on the 2010-04-14 at 20:00
Maya, we are so proud of you.  When I wrote that skit, I did not have any doubt that you would be able to do it and do it well.  And that is exactly what you did.  We love you and pray that you will allow God to continue to use you for His glory.  Always remember the pledge that you took and let God be the head of your life.
Pommie and Father
Posted on the 2010-04-14 at 20:00
Maya - We are so very proud of you.  You are ahead of  your age.  You are truly a FAITH child.  Keep up all the wonderful things you do.  Especially praying.  We love you.
Aunt Katie
Posted on the 2010-04-14 at 20:00
My, my, my Ramaya,
I/we are all very proud of the wonderful things you are learning and doing. Kudos for the good job in the skit and for the walk you participated in to help others. It is so nice to care about others. What was the exact distance you walked?
I will keep supporting and praying for you.
Love, Aunt Katie
P.S. Don\'t forget me when you
start making money.
Posted on the 2009-09-23 at 20:00
Hello Maya,  This is your grandmother, Pommie.  It has been a while since I have viewed your Web-site.  It is still cool.  I really enjoy watching you grow up and being part of the things that you are experiencing.  Father and I pray for you and your cousins every day.  Keep up the good work.  Look forward to seeing Kindergarten pictures. Love

Pommie and Father
Ms Quetta
Posted on the 2009-06-30 at 20:00
Happy 4th Birthday Maya,

I pray that you have a great day.


Ms. Quetta
Auntie Earah
Posted on the 2009-06-01 at 20:00

Hi Maya!

I finally saw your video of you being in the snow a few months ago. You were so funny!

I can't wait to have you over soon to play with me, D'Laya, and Talisa- fun days are ahead for us! Love you Sweetie, Auntie Earah

Nana, Papa,Danielle and Demia
Posted on the 2009-03-04 at 19:00
Hi Maya,
You were fantastic!!! we hate we missed the play but we'll be ready  for the next one.  Love Nana, Papa, Danielle and Demia 
Posted on the 2009-03-02 at 19:00
Our very own Rosa Parks. You did an excellent job.Get it girl!
Aunt Katie
Ms. Teresa Ogilvie
Posted on the 2009-02-18 at 19:00


Your pictures are beautiful. You are really have a beautiful smile! Its takes FAITH to do all the things you do at such a young age. I am proud of you. You have family that loves you very much! God Bless You!  Love, Ms. Teresa

Pommie (Mayas grandmother)
Posted on the 2009-02-17 at 19:00
Maya, I love your added pictures.  Watching you grow up is truly a blessing for me and Father. We love you very much, and pray that you will always put God first in your life.
pommie and Father
Farrah, Ethan and Brandon. Jr.
Posted on the 2009-01-07 at 19:00
Happy New Year!  The boys and I are hoping to see you sometime this year.  You have got to meet them, they are lots of fun!  Maybe you can come here to Louisiana and I can fatten you up with some Gumbo!  Love you a bunch!
Ms. Quetta
Posted on the 2008-11-16 at 19:00

I saw your pictures from your 1st day of school, you look so pretty.  I hope you're enjoying your new school.
Posted on the 2008-08-24 at 20:00
Hi Maya, congratulations on your first day of school.  You look so cute in your uniform.  I know that you are going to do well.  Love you so much. 
Father and Pommie
Remember our song.  "Yes, Jesus Loves Ramaya"
Aunty Chrissie
Posted on the 2008-07-13 at 20:00
Hi Ramaya!  Happy Belated Birthday!  Jasmine and I are thinking about you even though we are in California.  You look really cute in your pictures and we can't wait to see you again!
Ms. Quetta
Posted on the 2008-07-05 at 20:00

I really enjoyed your Princess birthday party.  Thank you for inviting me.


Ms. Quetta
Reginald Pittman
Posted on the 2008-06-30 at 20:00
Happy Birthday!!!!  MAYA!!!

Beverly Pittman
Posted on the 2007-12-23 at 19:00
Hi Ramaya I'm your cousin in Magee MS,  I know that we haven't meet as of yet but may God Bless you and your family.  Merry Christmas and a Happy Year
Love Always
Ms. Quetta
Posted on the 2007-11-27 at 19:00

You are growing up to be such a beautiful little girl.  I thank God for the 11 hours that we get to spend together Mon - Fri.  You have been such a joy to have.  I pray that God continue to bless you, your mommy and Daddy.

Keep making everyone proud.
sarah-your toddler daycare teacher
Posted on the 2007-10-31 at 20:00
You are a great kid, and I loved having you in my class.  I feel very lucky to still be apart of your life, and see all your accomplishments.
Aunt Katie
Posted on the 2007-10-11 at 20:00
Maya, Maya, Maya you have really got it going on! Congratulations to such a beautiful, talented and loved person. I am thrilled with your website and look forward to more to come. I am sure you won't disappoint me. Love ya much.
Auntie Earah
Posted on the 2007-10-10 at 20:00
Hey Maya- congrats on swimming! I am so impressed with you! I love your new website! I hope you like it. Have Daddy play this song for you (the one by Kirk Franklin he has on your site). It is very true and you will soon learn about true love- God's love. I love you, Auntie
Reginald Pittman (Daddy)
Posted on the 2007-10-09 at 20:00
I just wanted you to know that Daddy loves you very much! Nothing in this world can compare to the Love I have for you. You are special and you surprise Me and Mommy everyday by doing something that makes us proud.
Pommie Harris
Posted on the 2007-09-30 at 20:00
Congratulations Maya. This is Pommie. Love you. You did great. By the way, I scored 100 on my quiz. So I know you pretty well, huh. LOL
Cousin Tacia
Posted on the 2007-09-30 at 20:00
Congratulations Maya Bug, I knew that you could do it. We'll have to celebrate when you come to Cleveland. Congrats to me Maya Bug, I took you quiz and my score was 8/8. Love ya,
Keturah (Mommy)
Posted on the 2007-09-30 at 20:00
Ramaya, Fantastic job on graduating from ISR. You've got your 1st trophy!!! We are so proud of you. Keep on swimming!
Dana Crowder
Posted on the 2007-09-27 at 20:00
Congratualtions on graduating from ISR! We are so proud and happy for you! I hope to see you soon! Love, Dana